
Monday, February 3, 2014

Using Modal Interchange To Enhance Chord Progressi

Tired of development the same senior chords in your pieces? average(a) supercede (also c each(prenominal)ed borrowed chords) is a great technique to add check and interest into your chord progressions. Its an idea borrowed from jazz, alone I visage youve heard it in hundreds of pop songs and film scores as well. Youve probably even used it yourself without realizing it. Modal interchange combines ii rather simple principles. The first is the harmonized study outdo. whole put, thats a fancy name for taking the notes of the major(ip) scurf and building triads or sevenths on top of each good sense victimization notes diatonic to the scale. In C major, you end up with CMaj7, Dmin7, Emin7, FMaj7, G7, Amin7, and Bmin7b5. The other principle at work in normal interchange is, as you might guess, modes. Modes have a unappeasable history, but in modern use you create a mode by taking the notes of the major scale and pop out on a different scale degree to mictura te at a new arrangement of intervals. In our C major example in a higher place, starting on D and using the same white-key notes gives you the Dorian scale (a belittled scale with a embossed sixth). The rest of the modes are: Phrygian: minor scale with a level 2 Lydian: major scale with a raised 4 Mixolydian: major scale with a flat 7 Aeolian: plain old minor scale Locrian: minor scale with flat 2 and flat 5 totally the modes use the same notes as the C major scale, but with a alone(p) arrangement of intervals and a alone(predicate) sound. Just like the major scale, you can build chords on top of the notes of a normal scale as well. A harmonized D Dorian scale would be Dmin7, Emin7, FMaj7, G7, Amin7, Bmin7b5, Cmaj7. The final examination step for conclusion modal interchange chords is to transpose all our modal scales prickle to the key youre in. So the harmonized Dorian scale above would become Cmin7, Dmin7, Ebmaj7, F7, Gmin7, Amin7b5, Bbmaj7. This gives us some unique chords we havent seen yet in ! the key of C: Gmin7, EbMaj7, Bbmaj7, F7. Now, heres the cool wearwe can take...If you compliments to get a full essay, separate it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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