The short lived life of labourer capital of the United Kingdom is a shoot for reflection of his literary unharmed works major theme, the deal for selection of strong men driven by primordial emotions. To manakin A plan of attack and White Fang are cardinal of his works that coincide his life experiences and illustrate his literary theme. London was born the asshole son of W.H. Chaney and Flora Wellmen in 1876. He never adage his biological father and his mother had precise to do with him. octonary months after his birth, his mother married a man named toilette London. This is where Jack received his name. Even with his raw family, that included two step-sisters, Jack still received circumstantial time or love from them. He claimed to have mat that he was a boy with go forth a boyhood (Marsh on the whole 749). In To Build A Fire, a man is on a journey through the Yukon. He takes this journey alone, and and then must face all challenges alone. This is a lot equiv alent the childhood of Jack London. London had to accept all challenges and obstacles in his childhood alone, because his family was not there to support him. two Jack London and the man in To Build A Fire are in control of their own destiny. As it turns out for the man in To Build A Fire, he faces his expiry because of his solitude.!

London may be implying that if he had someone to guide him through the early stages of life, he might have dour out to be a more fulfilled and exulting person. By the age of twenty-three, London had held a numerous humane body of jobs. He had been everything from a newsboy to an oyster fanny pirate. He even bummed his ! way through the United States. In 1897, he traveled to Canada to try his... If you want to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website:
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