
Saturday, August 31, 2019

BHL Assessment

Advise Bob of his contractual obligations to WAY Ltd. In particular, assess and evaluate his common law duties in comparison to contractual obligations as an employee and the potential outcome of breach. A contract of employment may be written or verbal and there is not a lawful duty for an employer to supply the employee with a written contract. However under the Employment Rights Act 1 996 Section 1 (1) a written statement of particulars is required and under Section 1(2) this may be given in installments but not any longer than two months after the employment has started.Contracts contain terms' which can either be expressed or implied and it is important for employers to think carefully when creating a contract as it may need to be relied upon in the future should any dispute or ambiguity arise. Daniels (201 2 page 35) defines expressed terms as â€Å"terms that have been discussed and agreed between the employer and employee† â€Å"they may not be in writing and they can not diminish statutory rights†. She defines implied terms as â€Å"those that have not been specifically agreed between the employer and employee but are derived from collective agreement, statute, custom and practice and the courts†.Examples of what is considered express terms include the amount of sick, holiday and redundancy pay and the amount of wages or hours expected to be worked. Implied terms are different in that they will be the same for most contracts of employment no matter what the activity is including duties owed to the employee by the employer and vice versa such as the duty to pay etc. Bob should be aware that under common law there are certain duties owed by him as an employee to his employer WAY Ltd.Emir (2012 page 307) states â€Å"Since the relationship between employer and employee is one of trust ND confidence the law implies into the contract of employment the term that every employee should serve his employer faithfully'. In regards to all of t he clauses and what Bob is currently doing which is working for a competitor in his spare time he is already breaching one of the first common law duties which is the duty of faithful service, Emir (2012 page 308) states that â€Å"It is a breach of the employee's duty of faithful service to compete with the employer while he is still employed†.The cases of Adamson v B & L Cleaning Services Ltd (1995) and Ward Evans Financial Services Ltd v Fox (2001 ) are examples of not only a breach of faithful service but also of fidelity which will be discussed further on. Clause one instructs Bob that he is not to devote any time that should be spent in work on any other business or ‘charitable endeavourer unless he has written consent by the company.This clause set out by WAY Ltd is not reasonable in the way it is worded, as in some cases Bob has a duty to devote his time that should be spent in work to other affairs if it is necessary. One example of this would be jury duty whic h anyone meeting the specific criteria is obliged to take part in unless there are specific and exceptional resistances, and to enforce that Bob must have it in writing before he is to attend such activities is not reasonable.If it were found that this clause was unreasonable then the clause may become invalid. However if it was determined to be fair then this case would be similar to Wishes Dairies v Smith (1935) where the legal principle identified was that the duty of fidelity lasts until the employment has ended. Although Bob has not yet breached this duty, he has breached several others relating to this the first one being a duty of mutual trust and confidence.In the case of Mali v BCC AS (in Liz) 1997) Lord Steen stated â€Å"the employer shall not without reasonable and proper cause, conduct itself in a manner calculated and likely to destroy or seriously damage the relationship of confidence and trust between employer and employee† (Painter and Holmes 2012 page 145). The term ‘mutual' means ‘joint' or both in agreement so this statement works both ways in that the employee also has an implied duty not to act in such a way that would upset or cause animosity among employer and employee. Bob has broken this duty by working for a competitor even though it may be in his spare time.It should also be recognized that although Bob appears to be a senior engineer, if he is having to work for another company in his free time due to the business not doing as well as it has been then he must be on commission or a zero hour contract as if he was on a fixed term or full time contract his pay would remain the same no matter what hours he worked. Clause two states that during the period of his employment Bob should not partake in any other work which may affect the way in which he carries out his own work for WAY Ltd. The modern practice of ‘moonlighting' whereby an employee undertakes spare-time work outside his employment ours can raise prob lems, particularly if the work is in competition with the employers business† (Emir 201 2 page 318). The case of Gray v C & P Pembroke Ltd (1972) which is similar to Bob's situation supports this idea that working for a competitor is not deemed acceptable if it is expressed in the contract otherwise, however Frame v McKenna and Graham Ltd (1974) found that it was acceptable if it not mentioned in the contract of employment.Cases which would suggest Bob is in breach of his common law duties if followed would be Havoc Ltd V park Royal Scientific Instruments Ltd (1946), Nearby Dean of Westminster (1999), Lewis v Underworld Garages Ltd (1986), Reading v Attorney General (1951 ) and the most recent case of Vegetarian v Churchill Group Ltd (2013). Moonlighting links with the reasoning that a fiduciary duty should exist among employers and employees.Lord Wolf's view on fiduciary duty is that â€Å"The employer is entitled to the single-minded loyalty of his employee. The employee mu st act in good faith; he must not make a profit out of his trust; he must not place himself in a position where his duty and his interest may conflict; he may not act for his own benefit or he benefit of a third party without the informed consent of his employer† (Broodier 2012 page 1).However there is an argument as to how far this fiduciary relationship goes and it was recognized in the case of University of Nottingham v Tweet (1999) that ambiguous terminology may cause confusion as to the nature of the relationship between employer and employee. Although the common law duties require loyalty, good faith and honesty, to assume that an employee is to give his/her all to their employer and that the contract of employment is a fiduciary one is false. However the case of Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd v Tundra (2006) is a contrast in to the extent of fiduciary duty that is owed.The cases of Bell v Lever Brow (1931 ) and Osborn Corp. v Reecho (1984) are cases involving a senior me mber of the team and it is often applied that they have a greater duty owing to the employer to disclose their own misconduct than perhaps an employee would have. In clause two however, the restriction may be considered too wide in that it restricts him from undertaking any work which may prejudicially affect his ability to carry out his work for WAY and says that again it will be at he discretion of the company.It may be deemed UN-reasonable to consider that the company would need to be informed of every activity carried out in Bob's spare time and that it would be up to them to make a decision about how prejudicial it is. Painter and Holmes (2012 page 151) state that â€Å"The courts are very reluctant to accept that what workers do in their spare time should be of any concern of the employer as in Nova Plastics Ltd v Forget (1982). However, sometimes they are bound to do so. This statement emphasizes that although it is in the interest of the employer to be aware of hat their em ployees do in their spare time, the clause restricting Bob from carrying out any activity in his spare time unless the company has agreed may be to wide and unreasonable. A duty of fidelity is owed under common law and ensures that â€Å"Employees must not carry out activities that clearly conflict with the duty that they owe to their employer† (Daniels 2012 page 44).The obligation not to compete with an employer can be regarded as an expressed term and included as a restrictive covenant. Although he has already breached this duty by working for a competitor WAY could limit this damage further if there was a restrictive lease in the contract indicating that Bob could not set up a competing business such as the partnership he wishes to indulge himself in with Michael for a certain period of time and within a certain geographical location if it is deemed ‘reasonable'.Bob's case is similar to the one of Sanders v parry (1967) backed up by Coleman Dammar Ltd v Sakes (2001 h owever the cases of Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd v Tundra (2006), Customer Systems Pl v Ransom (2012) and Tim Russ & Co v Robertson (2011) all indicate that it can be difficult to enforce these covenants if they are not deemed reasonable or the employee can prove it was after the course of employment had ended.Along with a restrictive covenant being inserted to non-compete, if a garden leave clause were also present then it would prevent Bob from competing with WAY by going to another business such as Michaels or prevent him from setting up his own business within a certain amount of time. This clause is often inserted as it can be unclear what the interpretation of the courts will be regarding non restrictive covenants and employers wish to protect themselves from the possibility of employees leaving to work for a competing equines and taking with them knowledge they may have gained from the company.Garden leave was brought to the attention of the courts in the case of William Hil l Organization Ltd Tucker (1998) as if the courts feel the clause is too wide or UN reasonable, it may not be imposed as Simian Ltd v Christensen (2000). Garden leave often arises after the notice of termination of employment has been given either by the employer or employee and does not always have to be expressed in the contract to be effective but it can sometimes be imposed by the courts at a later date as in Christie v Johnston Carmichael (2010) and SO and R Valuation Service co LLC v Boudoirs (2008).The courts may also decide to modify the clause and not to render it completely inadmissible if they feel it may De-skill the workers if they have too much time off as in Provident Financial Group Pl v Hayward (1988) and GHZ Group Inc v Gallstone (1993), but in certain cases they may uphold the clause if they feel it is fair as in Euro Brokers Ltd v Rabbet (1995) and Evening Company Standard v Henderson (1987). The third clause identifies the common law clause of confidentiality an d again utility in which the employee is expected to operate in such a way as not to disclose confidential information about his employer.The fundamental case for this duty is Faced Chicken Ltd v Fowler (1985) in which the Court of Appeal recognized that there is a difference in duties owed by an employee who works for the company now and an employee who has left and gave several guidelines which indicated what information would be regarded as confidential. Bob would owe a greater duty of confidentiality to WAY at the moment as he is still operating as one of their employees compared to he situation he would be in if he left as the responsibility would be lessened but not diminished.In the case of Rob v Green (1895) Lord Asher MR. said â€Å"l think in a contract of service the Court must imply such a stipulation as I have mentioned (ii, that the servant will act with good faith towards his master), because it is a thing which must necessarily have been in view of both parties when they entered in to the contract† (Smith and Thomas 2008 page 169). The confidentiality clause is important as is protects both the employer and employee from any unnecessary information being disclosed about either party.If Bob were to disclose information to Michael about Highway's pricing strategy then he would be breaching his contract terms which may give reason for a fair dismissal or if he discloses it once he has left the company whether it be to Michael or anyone else then an injunction may be granted stopping him from disclosing the information. If it can be proved that the employee or ex employee has passed on confidential information and that the business has suffered a loss as a result as in Sanders v Parry (1967) and Ansell Rubber Co v Allied Rubber Industries (1 972), then damages may be awarded to the employer.When deciding the potential outcome of breach in this case it is important to look at both sides of the employer WAY and employee Bob. In regards to the first clause, it raises the question of whether it is fair and reasonable to be imposed as discussed in paragraph three and if it is not then the employee Bob is not bound by it and there fore would not be in breach of it.If it is found acceptable Bob has not breached it yet as he is working for Michael in his own time and not during his working hours, however if he were to breach this clause then he may be fairly dismissed by WAY under the principles et out in Wishes Dairies v Smith and any profits made by Bob could be obtained by WAY as damages if they were to take him to court. Bob has breached clause two as he is working for a competitor of the business and it is within the same trade that he works in now.As a result Of this breach again he may be dismissed with support of the cases of Gibson v National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers (1972) and Gray v C & Pembroke Ltd (1972). Clause three amounts to the highest breach of all with an almost certainty of summary dis missal if he informs Michael of his employers pricing tragedy as it is a breach of fidelity. Although clause one and two are significantly serious there may be situations where ACS may try and resolve the situation if it is in the interest of both parties and a solution may be sought after.

Friday, August 30, 2019

King Louis XIV: One King, One Law, One Faith Essay

King Louis’ reign and goals can be summarized with his desire for â€Å"one king, one law, one faith.† As an absolutist leader, he centered the country around himself, and was successful in his goal. By glorifying his position as king, he achieved â€Å"one king†, by limiting the power of others, he achieved â€Å"one law† and by uniting the French religion, he achieved â€Å"one faith†. Louis XIV was successful in accomplishing this central, powerful French monarchy. To achieve â€Å"one king† in France, Louis formed himself into an absolute and glorified leader, doing wonders for France’s centralization. In 1682, Louis relocated to his new palace at Versailles, magnificent enough to be the home of a god. The sheer size and beauty awed Europe and proclaimed his authority. Rituals, too, at Versailles boasted Louis’ power. Common activities such as dressing and walking required elaborate, showy rituals whose precipitants competed for the honor of their task. These, too, made Louis the center of attention and achieved the loyalty of his subjects. Finally, Louis governed in a matter that did not demand any input from others; he governed in the matter he desired, and superseded the power of the nobility and aristocracy. His efforts were not in vain, people felt honored if Louis were to but merely glance at him, or if they were to but walk with him. Louis exercised much control over his people because of the matter in which he made all affairs revolve around him. Louis XIV desired â€Å"one law†, achieved by his limitation of the powers of nobles and other statesmen and the unification of the military. Louis was but a young boy during La Fronde, a series of uprisings against royal policies and heavy taxation. Nevertheless, it had a significant impact on Louis XIV’s reign; he made sure to never allow another rebellion or let nobles to be as powerful as they had been. He ruled through multiple council of state, but demanded an active role in their decisions. â€Å"That I had no intention of sharing power†, said Louis. Another significant policy of Louis was his housing of the French nobles at Versailles. He demanded that all the nobles stay at Versailles for part of the year so he could survey their activities. Nobles, having no choice, would come and obey their monarch. To further his law policies’ success, Louis regulated the French military by establishing one uniform and training method. This did not allow for the noblemen to threaten his supreme power or question his loyalty. Although Louis claimed he had supreme authority in France, he  relied heavily on the cooperation of nobles to extend his power. Even so, Louis was successful in uniting his â€Å"one lawâ⠂¬ , not influenced by others. Finally, Louis desired â€Å"one faith†. Although Louis was not intolerant to Protestants, he hated division, and oppressed non-Catholics. Most significantly was Louis revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which allowed Huguenots the right to worship in 150 French towns, making a very strong example of Louis’ stance toward Protestants. In addition, Huguenots lost their churches, schools and clergy. Indeed, Louis did not approve of Protestantism. He instead praised Catholicism, as he was a Catholic himself. He required all his subjects to be loyal to the Church and its laws. This united France with a common faith that would continue to shape the religion on France. Though the revocation of the Edict of Nantes had drastic effects on the economy of France, Louis had achieved a unified French faith which he insisted would be vital to the nation In conclusion, Louis XIV embraced a â€Å"One king, one law, one faith† policy toward his gove rning. He was successful in this goal, attributed to his own glorification, the restriction of others’ power and the unity in religion.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Health disparities in Rural areas Research Paper

Health disparities in Rural areas - Research Paper Example Great health care disparities prevail in United States. Health status of the negatively privileged population is poor. Ethnic and racial minorities suffer great segregation problems in America. The African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans struggle to meet the medical expenses. They are comparatively more vulnerable to chronic diseases than the whites. This ill-privileged group has high mortality rate and negative health outcomes. The heavy racial and ethnic disparities in United States reflect in health care sector also. For example, cancer rate is found to be very high among the African Americans (nearly 25% higher than the whites). Other blacks, especially Hispanics, are highly risky towards diabetes. The black minorities who live in unhealthy environment are also vulnerable to various other problems like AIDS and infant mortality. The healthcare policy of the United States is least favorable for this minority groups. The minority population residing in t he rural areas does not have a proper access to healthcare facilities. There is great disparity in the healthcare access of minorities and rest of the population. Minorities are deprived of efficient and good quality healthcare facilities. Rural residents of United States report poor health. They are more vulnerable to chronic conditions like diabetes. Heart disease is also not uncommon among them. Compared to their urban counterparts, minorities living in rural areas are more prone to diseases and are also deprived of good healthcare facilities. Negatively privileged minorities seldom receive the preventive services, and do not get access to good healthcare service providers. Even though they have more healthcare needs compared to others we find that they do not take proper treatment. The statistics of cancer screening and treatment of diabetes and heart diseases show that minorities are not always benefited of the treatment. Minorities residing in rural areas are disadvantaged bec ause of several reasons. Only nine percent of the doctors of the United States practice in the rural areas though rural areas have a heavy population who are in real need of healthcare facilities. Almost 20 percent of the nation’s population lives in rural areas. Rural residents choose not to avail medical facilities for they have to travel long distance to reach quality healthcare service providers. Certain improvements in healthcare for chronic conditions, availability of preventive services and access to quality healthcare have contributed to the reduction of disparity in healthcare field. These day minorities are fortunate to get better access to healthcare facilities. For example, access to pediatric vision care, timing of antibiotics, counseling for addictions, receipt of mammography and various other things have improved for negatively privileged people. However still there are disadvantaged populations who are not benefited out of these improvements. Asians, Indians, Alaska Natives, Hispanics, Latinos and few other populations still suffer from the lack of quality healthcare service. For example, when we look at the colon cancer screening statistics we can find this disparity. The disparity is increasing in spite of other attempts to give more privileges to the negatively privileged population. Disparities have also affected Hispanics and other people of color. Treatments for psychological disorders also give only a second privileged to blacks and other minorities. Health

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

EWRT 211 Lessons Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

EWRT 211 Lessons - Personal Statement Example To begin with, the lessons in organization and analysis helped me to improve upon my reading and comprehension skills because I was forced to read and understand the new language that I was learning. I will admit that it was a struggle at first and I wished to have translations available for me but I knew that it would defeat the purpose of this class. So I applied my analytical skills as best as I could and, even with my grammatical mistakes, I am able to say that I was able to understand the lesson. Although my own thoughts on the topic might have been unclear to the reader at the start due to my language limitation. I found myself improving quite a lot when the lessons allowed me to develop my own vivid examples, which in turn helped me to better convey my thoughts in complete sentences. The chance to proofread myself also afforded me to catch my grammatical errors and correct them whenever possible. As my professor, you will also note the great improvement in my written assignments as I progressed in class. Finally being able to provide specific evidence for claims and discussing them in depth has helped me mature as a writer and developed my brains language skills as well. The result of my hard work in this class is that I am now a more accomplished writer in the English language. I am also able to completely analyze the written word and convey my own opinions on the matter in a method that is easily understood by others. My academic maturity in terms of English language use has become more pronounced and has resulted in a remarkable improvement in my confidence as a student when submitting my written work.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Legal and Financial Structure of Project Finance in India Essay

Legal and Financial Structure of Project Finance in India - Essay Example This paper further discusses several aspects of investment risks in India, and points out how investors can implement certain useful techniques. Finally, it offers some suggestions to overcome these challenges. Keywords: Investment, Project Finance, Investment in India, Public-Private-Partnership. Introduction: The long term financing of various types of infrastructure, industrial and public service projects are usually referred to project finance. In recent times, it has funded many large-scale natural resource projects as well as a number of high-profile corporate projects. However, similar type of financing scheme is recorded in the history of ancient Greece and Rome, the modern trend of project finance developed in last forty years. Basically this is an innovative and timely financing system. The non-recourse or limited recourse loans of project finance are mainly based upon the estimated cash flow of the project. â€Å"The key to project finance is in the precise forecasting of cash flows† (Ghersiy, 5). The assets, rights and interests of project secure the loan amount in such cases of debt. And repayment of loan exclusively depends on project’s cash flow. The balance sheet and creditworthiness of the project sponsors are secondary in it. Unlike conventional financing methods, project financing is unique. Since project financing enhances the values of some of these projects by permitting higher optimal leverage than with conventional financing.... The borrowing party has limited liability in some risky and expensive projects. Such cases are secured by a surety from sponsors. Therefore this is also known as limited recourse financing. There are many huge industrial and infrastructural projects, as already carried out successfully for certain types of project i.e. infrastructure development, mining, highways, railways, pipelines, power stations, etc. By the end of previous millennium, the private share alone in infrastructure investment varied between the lows of 9% and 13% in Germany and France and the extreme highs of 47% and 71% in the US and Great Britain, respectively (Miller & Lessard, 67). In fact, the projects that require non-recourse project financing would require significant contractual framework (Singh, 19). Moreover, the securities and borrowings are designed to be serviced and redeemed exclusively from the cash flow in non-recourse project finance. Whereas, the project sponsors or government provide undertakings t o an effect that coerce them to supplement the cash flow under assured limited conditions in limited recourse project finance. Generally, project financing is not designed for already running business rather for the large-scale innovative initiatives. Often it involves the creation of a legally independent project company financed with equity from one or more sponsoring firms and non-recourse debt for the purpose of investing in a capital asset (Esty, 213). The design of project finance is indicated in the following diagram. Figure: Project Finance Structure Source: The Institute for Public Private Partnership (Powell, 19) In present scenario, project financing emerged as an alternative to conventional financing over the world,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Culture Clashes in the two novelsThings fall apart Chinua Achebe and Term Paper - 1

Culture Clashes in the two novelsThings fall apart Chinua Achebe and Lolita Vladimir Nabokov - Term Paper Example The following essay is an effort to portray the clash of cultures as the main protagonists interact with the people of different culture, the difficulties they face and the differences they experience. Igbo Okonkwo is a Negro whose interaction with British colonialists’ causes much of chaos in his life and the same is true with Humbert who is unable to understand what is going on in Lolita’s life. In both the novels, protagonists’ lives end in misery making us to think about our lost roots of heritage and our own identity. Chinua Achebe tells us the life of an Igbo who has himself experienced and seen culture of the people falling under the walls of the British colonial power. When British and other whites interfered in simple lives of Africans, it brought chaos and disturbance in their cultural and religious lives. Throughout the novel, people are seen facing conflicting situations in their daily affairs and even in their religious lives. Okonkwo is both a good farmer and a warrior and has gained two titles for his clan; has three wives, is owner of two barns full of yarns and a considerably big house revealing his achievements. He has got this success because of his father’s failures in life, which shows us type of the difficulties he must have borne in his life. He is revered and respected by his clan, as per his custom â€Å"Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered.  As the elders said, if a child washed his hands he could eat with kings† (Achebe 6). While in Lolita, when Humbert of European origin and Charlotte Haze as well as Lolita, both Americans, get to know each other, it leads to conflicting situations in their lives. The glamour and intellect of Humbert fascinates Charlotte while on the other hand Humbert laughs at the superficial aspects and civilized nature of the Americans. He looks at Charlotte not more than a simple housewife whereas considers Lolita as a sexual symbol. He is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Credit Risk Analysis - Application of Logistic Regression Essay

Credit Risk Analysis - Application of Logistic Regression - Essay Example The scales of different variables are set as most of the variables are set as â€Å"nominal†, which however, is not correct. Out of a mix of 20 independent variables, 7 variables are referred as â€Å"scale† variables, 4 variables are labeled as â€Å"ordinal† and the rest of variables are considered as â€Å"nominal†. 2. In applying binary logistic regression, â€Å"Forwards LR† method is used to run the data because this method takes variables one by one in the analysis and in the last step, present the most statistically significant and important variables which are helpful in the analysis. 3. Hosmer and Lemeshow Test, is selected to find out the relationship between the observed values and the expected values. With the help of SPSS, following tables are generated, since â€Å"Forward LR† method is used and due to this method, 11 steps are taken by this method, therefore, in order to maintain the conciseness of the report, the values of al l previous 10 steps have been omitted from the tables. Only values pertaining to step 11 are taken in the analysis. All the tables and their interpretation are presented from next page. Classification Tablea,b Observed Predicted CreditRisk Percentage Correct Bad Good Step 0 CreditRisk Bad 0 300 .0 Good 0 700 100.0 Overall Percentage 70.0 a. Constant is included in the model. b. The cut value is .500 The 2 x 2 table that has been presented above, tallies the incorrect and correct estimations for the constants of null model. Rows represent the actual (observed) value of dependent whereas columns represent the predicted values. The overall percentage is taken as 100%. In a perfect model, the cases will be in the diagonal. If there is heteroscedasticity in logistic model, then for both the rows, the percentage will nearly be same. This phenomenon is not found here, the model is predicting â€Å"Good† cases but any â€Å"Bad† cases are not predicted. While, the overall perc entages are predicted exactly having overall percentage of 70% which is moderately good. It is to be noted by the researcher that the category which is most frequent for all â€Å"Good† cases produces the same and correct percentage of 70%. Variables in the Equation B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Step 0 Constant .847 .069 150.762 1 .000 2.333 In the above mentioned SPSS results, for all the independent variables, the coefficients are 0. The findings significantly reveal that in this case, the null hypothesis should be rejected. Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients Chi-square Df Sig. Step 11 Step 5.276 1 .022 Block 300.781 31 .000 Model 300.781 31 .000 The purpose of chi-square goodness of fit test is to investigate whether the step of judging null hypothesis is justified or not. In this case, the step has been taken from constant-only model to independent model. The step of adding variables or variable in this scenario can be justified if the values are less than 0.05. If the step would be to exclude variables from equations of this model, than it would be justified by taking the cutoff point as greater than 0.10. Since the sig. values are less 0.05, therefore null hypothesis can be rejected and the model is statistically significant. Model Summary Step -2 Log likelihood Cox & Snell R Square Nagelkerke R Square 11 920.948a .260 .368 a.† Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because parameter

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final - Assignment Example As a successful executive, I will think outside-the-box to come up with creative solutions to organizational problems and foster an open work environment where employees contributions are part of the solution. By allowing a flexible approach to problem solving, I will foster a workplace where creativity and different approaches to addressing a problem,no matter how different the ideas defer from the accepted norm,will all be considered In order to lead effectively as a manager needs,I need to learn to master the four basic functions of management; planning,organizing,leading and controlling. An effective leader will always be very good at listening;it is an unappreciated management skill that leads to a better understanding of the problems at hand,be it personal or organizational. Of the tree basic management skills previously mentioned,the most important attribute a manager needs is to develop in order to succeed is effective leadership skills . The key to effective leadership, managing diverse individuals and complex situations effectively is to master four of the basic functions of management;planning,organizing,leading and controlling. As a manager,the first step is to analyze the situation or problem at hand and formulate a plan which best addresses the needs of the project. It is important to me as a business profession to become proficient at analyzing complex situations and coming up with innovative solutions to a problem. In order to hone my analytic and planning skills,applying the same level of care and analysis to certain everyday problems will help me become better at analyzing and planning solutions in my future professional career. In the organizing phase as a manager, I must be able to evaluate the employee skill-sets as well as identify the most suitable individuals for a specific tasks. Through taking the initiative to become a leader in any group environment

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hospitality Facilities Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hospitality Facilities Management - Essay Example As mentioned above, construction methods and materials greatly affect the environment, however, as a result of ongoing research in building technology and resulting breakthroughs have enabled Hotel industry to bring environment friendly buildings. Resort amenities too, are becoming more ‘environment friendly.’ For example, Golf resorts are using non chemical pesticides for its golf courses. A number of them are using golf carts powered by alternative energy sources. Awareness as to how to protect the natural environment is on the rise and more and more hotels are becoming environment friendly or ‘Green.’ An increasing number of hotels are taking measures like creating services or products that help guests with the problems emanating from the environment for example treated rooms for chemically sensitive or allergy prone people. Also, selecting suppliers with good reputation and established standards for helping environmental preservation. Hotel and Resort brands the world over are developing service concepts that can be called ‘green.’ Asian hotels are taking a lead in developing green services and products and branding them as environment friendly. In the Caribbean, the lodging sector is leading the world in number of certified environment friendly hotels. New models of niche luxury ecotourism resorts are being developed emanating from the Maho Bay camp in St.John in the Caribbean, which is supposedly world’s first ‘eco tourist resort.’

Mendelian Law and Inheritance of Anthocyanin Term Paper - 1

Mendelian Law and Inheritance of Anthocyanin - Term Paper Example distance was measured to be 14.5 inches between the LED light and the bottom where the watering trays were placed; the light was 3 inches above the growing plants. On the 14th day of the experiment, observations on the newly grown plants with purple roots were noted. On the 21st day, grown flowers were made to cross-pollinate with an approximately 19 cm thin soft brush by holding the flower gently with the tips of two fingers, and lightly transfer pollen from one plant to another. The light was still available for the growing plants, but it stopped getting water. The plants kept on growing over the 28th day and 35th day. On the 42nd day, some leaves started changing color to yellow and more seedpods were growing. Keeping in mind plants stopped being watered. Day 49, the flowers started to drop off and the leaves changed to yellow and the plants were still not watered to ensure the pods got dry. Then started the harvesting and germination process of the  seeds by breaking the seedpods after pulling them out of the plants, then collecting the seeds, and then counting them, which came to a total of 1481 seed for the entire class. Afterward, F2 seeds were spread in a 51cmÃâ€"24.5cm plastic tray with soaked tissue ready to germinate. There were no holes in the tray, and it was covered with a clear plastic lid. A week after spreading the F2 seed in the moist plastic tray, purple and green plants have grown. Seeds were separated into two categories; green plants and purple plants. After separating the green from the purple plants, they were counted individually. The total number of purple plants was 780 while the green once were 323. Since there are two categories being tested, the purple and green plants, this means the degree of freedom is equivalent to (df) = 1. In the Observed (1) row, the results show 780 for the purple plants and 323 for the green plants. The Expected results (2), were 780 for purple and 267 for green. The Deviation (3) row was calculated by

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mintzberg - the Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning Essay Example for Free

Mintzberg the Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning Essay The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning by Henry Mintzberg When strategic planning arrived on the scene in the mid- ­? 1960s, corporate leaders embraced it as â€Å"the one best way† to devise and implement strategies that would enhance the competitiveness of each business unit. True to the scientific management pioneered by Frederick Taylor, this one best way involved separating thinking from doing and creating a new function staffed by specialists: strategic planners. Planning systems were expected to produce the best strategies as well as step- ­? by- ­? step instructions for arrying out those strategies so that the doers, the managers of businesses, could not get them wrong. As we now know, planning has not exactly worked out that way. While certainly not dead, strategic planning has long since fallen from its pedestal. But even now, few people fully understand the reason: strategic planning is not strategic thinking. Indeed, strategic planning often spoils strategic thinking, causing managers to confuse real vision with the manipulation of numbers. And this confusion lies at the heart of the issue: the most successful strategies are visions, not plans. Strategic planning, as it has een practiced, has really been strategic programming, the articulation and elaboration of strategies, or visions, that already exist. When companies understand the difference between planning and strategic thinking, they can get back to what the strategy- ­? making process should be: capturing what the manager learns from all sources (both the soft insights from his or her personal experiences and the experiences of others throughout the organization and the hard data from market research and the like) and then synthesizing that learning into a vision of the direction that the business should pursue. Organizations isenchanted with strategic planning should not get rid of their planners or conclude that there is no need for programming. Rather, organizations should transform the conventional planning job. Planners should make their contribution around the strategy- ­? making process rather than inside it. They should supply the formal analyses or hard data that strategic thinking requires, as long as they do it to broaden the consideration of issues rather than to discover the one right answer. They should act as catalysts who support strategy making by aiding and encouraging managers to think strategically. And, finally, they an be programmers of a strategy, helping to specify the series of concrete steps needed to carry out the vision. By redefining the planner’s job, companies will acknowledge the difference between planning and strategic thinking. Planning has always been about analysis—about breaking down a goal or set of intentions into steps, formalizing tho se steps so that they can be implemented almost automatically, and articulating the anticipated consequences or results of each step. â€Å"I favour a set of analytical techniques for developing strategy,† Michael 1 Porter, probably the most widely read writer on strategy, wrote in he Economist. The label â€Å"strategic planning† has been applied to all kinds of activities, such as going off to an informal retreat in the mountains to talk about strategy. But call that activity â€Å"planning,† let conventional planners organize it, and watch how quickly the event becomes formalized (mission statements in the morning, assessment of corporate strengths and weaknesses in the afternoon, strategies carefully articulated by 5 p. m. ). Strategic thinking, in contrast, is about synthesis.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Smartphone Essay Importance of Smart Phones

Smartphone Essay Importance of Smart Phones In this report there is a fine introduction of Smart Phones and their importance in our lives that how it is influences our daily routine work and also this report contains the role of E-Commerce and Web 2.0 in the trade of amazon.com and eBay.com. Firstly there is overview of Smart Phones is given then how it is influences our daily routine and then there are some descriptions of softwares which are being used in Smart Phones and also some of Smart Phones manufacturers names. Secondly in this report there is discussion how in next few years smart phones will take over all the digital devices and will be only one digital device we may own. Thirdly it has shown that what is E-Commerce and Web 2.0 technologies and how Amazon and EBay websites are using these technologies to expand their businesses all over the world. In the last conclusion is given followed by the references. Introduction Smart phone is a mobile phone which offers advanced technologies with functionality similar as a personal computer. While offering a standardized platform for application developers a smart phone performs as complete operating system software. Secondly, there are also very advanced features in smart phones such as internet, instant messenger and e-mail and also built-in keyboard are very typical. Because of these reasons we can say a smart phone a miniature computer with the similarities of a simple phone. With the growing speed of technological advancement, Smart phones have become the essential components of our daily performance. As we look for convenience, we also respect the devices, which can combine multiple features and which give us more mobility and entertainment. As the whole world is going into the new phase of technological performance, our needs become more sophisticated. On the one hand, we need speed, quality, and effectiveness on the other hand, these features should be combined in a solution small enough to carry it in the pocket. Smart phones have come to exemplify one of the wisest and the most convenient technological ideas in the history of mankind. The unique combination of features makes Smart phones extremely usable and useful for different purposes. In business or in pleasure Smart phones expand our capabilities and help us resolve our problems in timely manner. This is because of the growing speed of all decision-making processes in business and life that technological companies have come to the need for developing a new unique technological device. Usually, a Smartphone combines the functions of a cellular phone and a handheld computer in a single device. It differs from a normal phone in that it has an operating system and local storage, so udders can add and store information, send and receive email, and install programs to the phone as they could with a PDA Yuan. A Smartphone may also be referred to as a cellular Overview of Smart Phones These smart phones today can do almost everything. Faster networking systems, attractive and powerful applications and the technology literate users are making these smart phones very powerful these days. Huge markets are adopting the smart phones due to their flexibility, more productive features and better connectivity to the world in terms of internet. Along with many benefits, smart phones are increasing the value of the wireless technology, including the mobile phones, wireless tablets and the notebook computers. Some smart phones have the keypad similar to a notebook PC, this type of keypad is known as QWERTY keypad. The QWERTY keypad smart phones are easy to use and recommended when the user has to always type a lot. The other type of keypad is the on screen keypad, which is actually a touch screen keypad; this kind of keypad also comes in the form of buttons, which are not in the touch screen but below the screen of the smart phones. The touch screen smart phones are no doubt very advanced but they are a bit difficult to use when compared to a QWERTY or embossed keys keypad (Jackson 2010; Alejandro, X). Smartphone Operating Systems There are many operating systems which are being used by companies to introduce their smart phones but most important system is Symbian which is really popular these days and every other smart phone has this software. Some software are listed below: Symbian Linux Java Unique Operating System Apple OS Smart Phone Manufacturers In this new era of technology, there are a lot of companies who are manufacturing not only mobile or cell phones but even they are trying to put their all expertise in manufacturing smart phones. Every company has different technologies from each other and trying to be number one in Telecommunication Field. Some of the main smart phone manufacturing companies are Apple Nokia Samsung Siemens HTC Vodafone Black Berry Motorola Some examples of Smart Phones are I phone Blackberry X-peria Nokia N8 Samsung B3410 HTC Will Smart Phones become the single most important digital device we own? Technology is getting really advanced today and it is becoming an essential part of life. There has been also a great and very vast era of the evolution of mobile phones from simple and bigger mobile phones, which were able to send and receive calls and send and receive the text messages only. The smart phones are more likely to be the hand held computers for configuring the daily schedules, saving large documents, for watching videos, listening music, using internet, using world wide web, video conferencing and much more than a human mind can think. Smart phones are getting really popular in this advanced world. Everyone wants to carry his own personal data and information with him all the time which smart phone makes possible. It is being accepted that in the future smart phones will take over all the other digital devices in next years such as laptops, personal desktop computers and notebooks. Today smart phones carry all the features of digital devices as well as a common phone features. Smart phones include the projector video sharing, music player, high megapixel cameras and better navigators. Implications Justifications Today smart phones are the devices which provide all the facilities what a user need in his daily life, such as e-mail, notebook, Bluetooth, gaming panel, high resolution camera applications, Microsoft office suite, television and many other computerized applications that a human being can just think of. There is also a lot of perceptions about that smart phones will take over the other digital computerized devices like laptops, personal computers and notebooks. The technology used in smart phones is getting really advance day by day. Technicians are committing their time to explore new technologies and putting them into one simple device called smart phone for the beneficial future of human being. Smart phone are the best digital devices of present which provides what a human need. Everyone try to have a smart phone instead of having a simple phone because by a simple mobile he can only do call or text to other numbers but having a smart phone is beneficial by this we can do our office work on MS Office, can check our mails any time anywhere and there are a lot of more things that we can do with smart phones. There is no doubt that in future Smart Phone will become the single most important digital device we own. Future Due to the popularity of smart phones technology, it is being expected that smart phone sales will continue to grow in next years and some of the improvements vendors are making to help convince consumers to pick up a new device include dual-core processors and better video capabilities. E-Commerce Web 2.0 Technologies E-Commerce Selling through the websites is the best method of increasing trade worldwide.The business done electronically is called E-Commerce and it includes many different activities both in business-to-business market and in the business to consumer market. It includes trading of goods and services electronically, online delivery, transfers of funds electronically. It includes both products and services. Commercial transaction of goods and services is e-commerce; good services are exchanged electronically not physically between parties. It has a very big range of communication technologies i.e. e-mail, internet. After consideration the importance of internet people prefer to shop online because it makes shopping easy and saving of time. Web 2.0 The web 2.0 is known as the next generation or second generation of the internet web. The web 2.0 allows users to use internet in more enhanced way such as publishing of videos or audio on the internet, sharing of files and photos. This term was used in 2004 for the first time; it is also a collaboration of different processes of business and the technology to provide more flexibility to the marketing. It is of much related to the social networking such as facebook.com, twitter.com, linkedin.com and many others; while it also refers to the video and audio sharing on internet such as youtube.com, mp3.com, 4shared.com and many others. It is a vast term which is many steps ahead when the internet was launched and after many years or launching of internet there was only web 1.0 (OReilly 2005; google.co.uk 2010). Role of E-Commerce Web 2.0 Technologies in EBays Amazons Popularity Amazon and eBay are those companies which are pure e-commerce companies which are using web 2.0 technologies that allow users to shop online without any physical relationship. These websites are security protected and facilitate their customers with every possible way. By using these technologies we can buy anything online by sitting in comfort of our home anytime in 24 hours with complete security and satisfaction. Amazon is one of the best website where we can buy about anything which is necessary in our routine life and they also provide free home delivery of whatever you buy online. This enhancement in technology allows consumers or businesses to use the web more efficiently and with flexibility even if the consumers do not have any experience (Chaffey 2008; Chinahourly.com 2010; keynote.com; Marketingexperiments.com 2005; Phillips 2006). These website provide low cost products to their customers who can buy that products with only 1 click in safe and pure atmosphere and customers can also compare the items with one to other products so they can decide easily that which product suits their nature. E-Commerce has made it very easy to shop online for these types of websites. These websites allow shoppers to shop online and provide complete satisfaction. Life is so busy today and mostly people has no time to spend on shopping and amazon.com and e-Bay.com made it easy to shop online without any physical interferences. These websites are becoming very popular and feasible for the shopping purposes. The e-commerce is increasing the revenue of amazon.com and eBay each year, because of the awareness among the consumers and the more enhanced and easy to use web 2.0 portals, which makes it attractive for consumers to purchase through e-commerce (Andam 2003; Chinahourly.com 2010; keynote.com; Marketingexperiments.com 2005; Phillips 2006). Conclusion Today life is so busy and everyone is trying to complete his own needs. No-one has such time to look around him and think for a while to what he/she wants. The economies are becoming stable and unstable sometimes. To overcome the needs of consumers of bigger digital devices, smart phones are solving the issues. We can use smart phones for a lot of purposes of routine life and because of this we dont have to carry heavy weight laptops and digital dairies, we can save anything in our smart phone so we can get benefits of this anywhere any time. This advancement of technology shows that smart phones will take over the other digital devices easily. Similarly, with the passage of time everyone is getting more busy in their routine life and no one has such time to visit physical markets for shopping. So this online shopping made life so easier to explore new adventures and find out what we need. E-commerce and web 2.0 has made it easier for the people to use the web with flexibility even if they do not have much experience to use the internet. These enhancements and technological changes are making peoples life easier.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Basics Of Trapdoor Hacking Information Technology Essay

The Basics Of Trapdoor Hacking Information Technology Essay For a programmer, trap doors make sense. If the programmer needs to modify the program sometime in the future, he can use the trap door instead of having to go through all of the normal, customer-directed protocols just to make the change. Trap doors should be closed or eliminated in the final version of the program after all testing is complete, but, intentionally or unintentionally, some are left in place. Other trap doors may be introduced by error and only later discovered by crackers who are roaming around, looking for a way into system programs and files. Typical trap doors use such system features as debugging tools, program exits that transfer control to privileged areas of memory, undocumented application calls and parameters, and many others. Trap doors make obvious sense to expert computer criminals as well, whether they are malicious programmers or crackers. Trap doors are an easy way to get into a system or to gain access to privileged information or to introduce viruses or other unauthorized programs into the system. Cases In 1993 and 1994, an unknown group of computer criminals repetitively broke into systems on the Internet using passwords captured by password sniffers. Once on the system, they exploited software flaws to gain privileged access. They installed modified login and network programs that allowed them reentry even if the original passwords were changed. In 1996, Philip Myers described the insertion and exploitation of back doors as subversion in his MSc thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School.   He pointed out that subversion, unlike penetration attacks, can begin at any phase of the system development life cycle, including design, implementation, distribution, installation and production. Donn B. Parker described interesting back-door cases in some papers (no longer available) from the 1990s.   For example, a programmer discovered a back door left in a FORTRAN compiler by the writers of the compiler. This section of code allowed execution to jump from a regular program file to code stored in a data file. The criminal used the back door to steal computer processing time from a service bureau so he could execute his own code at other users expense.   In another case, remote users from Detroit used back doors in the operating system of a Florida timesharing service to find passwords that allowed unauthorized and unpaid access to proprietary data and programs. Even the US government has attempted to insert back doors in code. In September 1997, Congress proposed legislation to ban domestic US encryption unless the algorithm included a back door allowing decryption on demand by law enforcement authorities moved famed Ron Rivest to satire.   The famed co-inventor of the Public Key Cryptosystem and founder of RSA Data Security Inc. pointed out that some people believe the Bible contains secret messages and codes, so the proposed law would ban the Bible. More recently, devices using the Palm operating system (PalmOS) were discovered to have no effective security despite the password function.   Apparently developer tools supplied by Palm allow a back-door conduit into the supposedly locked data. Dumpster Diving What is Dumpster Diving? Dumpster diving is a name given to a very simple type of security attack, which is scavenging through materials that have been thrown away, as shown below. This type of attack isnt illegal in any obvious way. If papers are thrown away, it means that nobody wants them, right? Dumpster diving also isnt unique only to computer facilities. All kinds of sensitive information ends up in the trash, and industrial spies through the years have used this method to get information about their competitors. http://oreilly.com/catalog/crime/chapter/f_02_01.gif Dumpster Diving in Process There is another type of computer-related trash that we might not consider. In the system itself are files that have been deleted, but that havent actually been erased from the system. Computers and users used only to save data, not destroying it, and sometimes some data is saved that shouldnt be saved. Electronic trashing is easy because of the way that systems typically delete data. Usually, deleting a file, a disk, or a tape doesnt actually delete data, but simply rewrites a header record. Using MS-DOS, for example, a file can be deleted via the DEL command, however, someone else can retrieve the contents of the file simply by running UNDELETE. System utilities are available that make it easy to retrieve files that may seem to be completely gone. Although there are methods for truly erasing files and magnetic media, most users who work on large systems do not take the time to erase disks and tapes when they are finished with them. They may discard old disks and tapes with data still on them. They simply write the new data over the old data already on the tape. Because the new data may not be the same length as the old, there may be sensitive data left for those skilled enough to find it. It is far safer to explicitly write over storage media and memory contents with random data and to degauss magnetic tapes. Cases One computer company in Texas that does business with a number of oil companies noticed that whenever a certain company asked them to mount a temporary storage (scratch) tape on the tape drive, the read-tape light would always come on before the write-tape light. The ingenious oil company was scavenging the tape for information that might have been put on it by competitors that used the tape before them. Trashing can have deadly consequences. When some old Department of Justice computers were sold off, they had on their disks information on the whereabouts of witnesses in the Federal Witness Protection Program. Although the data had been deleted, it had not been completely erased from the disk. The DOJ was able to get back some of the computers, but not all, and was forced to relocate the compromised families as a result. In 1991, spies posed as garbage collectors outside of a U.S. defense contractor executives home, dug through trash cans looking for information. One of the collectors was actually Frances consul general and claimed he was collecting fill for a hole in his yard. Upon investigation, the FBI determined that this operation was part of a French secret-searching mission, aimed at finding U.S. military or scientific information. Then in 1999, two key members of a group called the Phonemasters were convicted of theft and possession of unauthorized access devices and unauthorized access to a federal interest computer. This international group of cyber criminals had allegedly penetrated the computer systems of MCI, Sprint, ATT, Equifax and the National Crime Information Center. The Phonemasters skills had enabled them to download hundreds of calling card numbers and distribute them to organized crime groups around the world. Part of their method included dumpster diving and collecting old phone books and system manuals. These tools, combined with social engineering, led to the attacks on the mentioned systems. In 2000, in a widely publicized case, the CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison, hired private investigators to dig through corporate dumpsters at Microsoft. This was an effort aimed at finding information about Microsofts possible development of grassroots organizations to support its side in an anti-trust lawsuit. One of the investigators unsuccessfully tried to pay off a member of the janitorial service in exchange for the garbage of one of these organizations. Ellison held that his actions were a civic duty, to uncover Microsofts secret funding of such groups, but his opponents assert that the incident was distasteful and scandalous. Microsoft complained that various organizations allied to it have been victimized by industrial espionage agents who attempted to steal documents from trash bins. The organizations include the Association for Competitive Technology in Washington, D.C., the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and Citizens for a Sound Economy, another Washington D.C. based entity. Microsoft said, We have sort of always known that our competitors have been actively engaged in trying to define us, and sort of attack us. But these revelations are particularly concerning and really show the lengths to which theyre willing to go to attack Microsoft. Saying he was exercising a civic duty, Oracle chairman and founder Lawrence J. Ellison defended his company of suggestions that Oracles behavior was Nixonian when it hired private detectives to scrutinize organizations that supported Microsofts side in the antitrust suit brought against it by the government. The investigators went through trash from those organizations in attempts to find information that would show that the organizations were controlled by Microsoft. Ellison, who, like his nemesis Bill Gates at Microsoft, is a billionaire, said, All we did was to try to take information that was hidden and bring it into the light, and added: We will ship our garbage to Microsoft, and they can go through it. We believe in full disclosure. The only thing more disturbing than Oracles behavior is their ongoing attempt to justify these actions, Microsoft said in a statement. Mr. Ellison now appears to acknowledge that he was personally aware of and personally authorized the broad overall strategy of a covert operation against a variety of trade associations. During the year 2001, industrial espionage came to light concerning the shampoo market between fierce competitors Proctor Gamble and Unilever. Private Investigators hired by Proctor Gamble sifted through garbage bins outside of the Unilever corporation, succeeding in gathering viable information about market analysis, predictions and future products.[16] Upon legal action by Unilever, the two corporations settled out-of-court, because these actions broke Proctor Gambles internal policy on information gathering. Logic Bombs What is a Logic Bomb? Logic bombs are small programs or sections of a program triggered by some event such as a certain date or time, a certain percentage of disk space filled, the removal of a file, and so on. For example, a programmer could establish a logic bomb to delete critical sections of code if she is terminated from the company. Logic bombs are most commonly installed by insiders with access to the system. Logic bombs are a malicious programming code that is inserted into a network system or a single computer for the purpose of deleting data or creating other malicious acts on a specified date. A logic bomb works similar to a time bomb because it can be set to go off at a specific date. A logic bomb does not distribute malicious codes until the specified date is reached. How Logic Bombs Work Logic bombs are created by criminals who are well-versed in computer programming and are generally used to perform acts with malicious intent that threaten network security. The criminal acts include setting a virus to be released into a network system or PC at a specified date or other actions such as deleting or corrupting data and completely reformatting a computer hard drive. A logic bomb works through a code that is inserted into existing software on a network or in a computer where it will lie dormant until a specific event occurs such as a date or time or other command from the computer programmer. When the bomb finally releases the code it can delete files, send confidential information to unauthorized parties, wipe out databases, and disable a network for a period of days. Why a Logic Bomb is Used A logic bomb can be used by a disgruntled employee or other IT personnel that has the knowledge of how to program a logic bomb to threaten network security. Other than targeting a specific computer or network system, a logic bomb can also be used to demand money for software by creating a code that makes the software application into a trial version. After a specific period of time the user must pay a specified sum of money to continue to use the software. Logic bombs can also be used for blackmail and if the demand is not met, the logic bomb will detonate into a computer system or network to destroy data and perform other malicious acts that are included in the command codes. Logic bombs are fairly easy to create if you have a lot of knowledge in computer programming and they do not replicate like other malicious programs. For this reason, logic bombs are usually targeted to specific victims and will not spread to unintended victims. A logic bomb can be rather difficult to detect, however you can take security measures such as constantly monitoring the network system for any suspicious activity, using antivirus applications and other scanning programs that can detect any new activity in the data on a network system. The scanning systems should also monitor the entire network and the individual computers connected to the network. Cases A former system administrator for UBS PaineWebber, Roger Duronio, was charged in a New Jersey federal court on charges of sabotaging two-thirds of the companys computer systems. His alleged motive was to undermine the companys stock price and make a bunch of money in the process. He is alleged to have shorted over 30,000 shares of UBS stock prior to unleashing his attack which means the potential was there to make 30,000 times the amount by which the stock dropped when the media got wind of the attacks. In a recent stock manipulation case involving Emulex, shares fell 50 percent. Based on the trading range of UBS PaineWebber stock at the time of Duronios alleged attack, it is reasonable to say his profits could have exceeded half a million dollars. The flaw in Duronios alleged scheme was the obviously unexpected ability of UBS PaineWebber to prevent news of the attack getting out. This was quite a feat on the companys part because the logic bombs activated on about 1,000 of its nearly 1,500 computers and the malicious programs did actually delete files. Indeed, the company says attack cost it $3 million. In the end, the federal grand jury charged Duronio with one count of securities fraud and one count of violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Duronio was hit with up to 20 years in prison and fines of more than $1.25 million. In September 1990, Donald Burleson, a programmer at the Fort Worth-based insurance company, USPA, was fired for allegedly being quarrelsome and difficult to work with. Two days later, approximately 168,000 vital records erased themselves from the companys computers. Burleson was caught after investigators went back through several years worth of system files and found that, two years before he was fired, Burleson had planted a logic bomb that lay dormant until he triggered it on the day of his dismissal. Burleson became the first person in America to be convicted of harmful access to a computer. In early 2009, Timothy Allen Lloyd was sentenced to 41 months in prison for leaving behind malicious programs that deleted critical data from the servers of Omega Engineering, a high-tech measurement company that claimed the cost of the attack was $10 million. According to a report in the National Computer Security Association section on CompuServe, the Orlando Sentinel reported in January 1992 that a computer programmer was fined $5,000 for leaving a logic bomb at General Dynamics. His intention was to return after his program had erased critical data and get paid lots of money to fix the problem. In 1995, a disgruntled computer security officer at an insurance brokerage firm in Texas set up a complex series of Job Control Language (JCL) and RPG programs described later as trip wires and time bombs. For example, a routine data retrieval function was modified to cause the IBM System/38 midrange computer to power down. Another routine was programmed to erase random sections of main memory, change its own name, and reset itself to execute a month later.

Monday, August 19, 2019

every?Rockefeller Drug Laws? Essays -- essays research papers

â€Å"Rockefeller Drug Laws† In May of 1973, New York’s Governor, Nelson Rockefeller, made a set of strict anti-drug laws for the state legislature. The purpose of these laws was to stop the drug abuse epidemic that was occurring in New York during the early 1970’s. It was the most severe law in the nation; the drug laws were to punish those who possessed and sold heavy amounts of narcotics like cocaine and heroine and to hold them in custody for the amount they possessed or sold. For example, if the person was caught with the possession of two or four ounces of drugs on them the minimum time in a federal prison would be 15 years to life, no matter what age (if the offender was of 15 years of age or older). Many problems began to occur concerning the laws, also there were many critiques concerning weather or not it would work and be kept as a law. The Rockefeller Drug Laws is still one of the most brutal drug laws in the nation because of its ground breaking punishments. The laws state specifically that, â€Å"the statutes require judges to impose a sentence of 15-years to life for anyone convicted of selling two ounces, or possessing four ounces of "narcotic drugs". This made it clear for all those that were â€Å"dealing drugs† that this was a no-nonsense rule. This was the beginning of up coming events in history that lead to protests and also very famous summits done by family members of people in prison under the unfair ruling, friends and supports of those against the harsh laws to keep drugs off the streets. The purpose of the laws was to provide protection and isolation from people who were not yet involved with the drug epidemic. Also, it provided peace of mind for politicians that wanted to get the drug dealers off the streets permanently. For New York the drug war had just begun. Many people were for the new laws; they saw drug dealing as if it were just like murder because the death rate from narcotics at the time was increasingly high and the danger of the drugs being on the streets was worse. The consequences of these laws have become even exaggeratedly ridiculous. In many cases a first time drug offender being charged under these laws can receive a higher sentencing then a person convicted of murder or rape. This meant that by possessing a kilo of cocaine or... ...al job. I feel that not everyone that deals should be sentence to prison. Just because a first time offender is carrying a certain amount of kilograms, they are sentences according to that. This is injustice because a person who may have committed other minor crimes may be charged the same way as a person who made a mistake for the first time. Besides that sentencing everyone that makes a crime is extremely expensive. People who don’t have any type of connections with people who are place in prison have to be paying money to maintain them in prison. As we all know, drug dealing is still going on and it won’t be stopping any time soon. As you have read, even though the Rockefeller Drug Laws had so much demands upon it, still many continued to do it. In the article we read in class â€Å"Criminal Justice through the looking Glass, or winning by losing† illustrates how effective laws aren’t. one thing he says â€Å"I will not go so far to say that the criminal justice policy has made no contribution to the drop in crime rates.† Therefore, crime will always continue and what we should be worrying about is how to help these individuals who are making these crimes.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Social Forces Affecting Education -Pressures on Children Essay

Social forces play a major role in the achievement that takes place in our nation’s schools. Factors that take place outside of the classroom have significant effects that intrude on a child’s learning environment. These social forces hold no prejudice to the youth for whom they afflict and arise in every school setting across the public school system. It is important that one recognizes the impact that social forces have on the future leaders of our country and what conflicts they create for our present day learners. Because we live in a competitive society and want to be able to compete in the global economy, achievement pressure runs rampant in classrooms across the country (Anxiety.org, 2011). When parents and teachers can become aware of the emotional burdens and adverse effects that high achievement pressures carry, they will no doubt second guess their choice to perpetuate them (Weissbourd, 2011). The first step in solving any problem is to first be able to ackno wledge it. Pressures on children in today’s society are a problem that is becoming more evident in academics as parents and teachers put more and more emphasis on these children to outperform their classmates, stress in the child’s life becomes an interfering problem (Anxiety.org, 2011 Weissbourd, 2011,). From preschool children to college adults, pressure to execute academic perfection extends across all areas of curriculum. In our highly competitive, American society, emphasis placed on academic achievement has never been so intense (Anxiety.org, 2011, Beilock, 2011). This need to be the best, fueled by our culture in America, has created a social force affecting education, a force to be reckoned with at that. Too often, parents and teachers sacrifice their chil... ... medical foundation. Retrieved from http://www.pamf.org/teen/byteens/academic-stress.html Kaur, S. (2011). pamf.org. Retrieved from http://www.pamf.org/teen/life/stress/academicpressure.html Anxiety.org. (2011, 5 16). Retrieved from http://www.anxiety.org/anxiety-news/general/childhood-anxiety-from-academic-pressure-are-we-pushin Herrfeldt, B. (n.d.). ehow.com. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/how_2314755_cope-academic-pressure-.html Weissbourd, R. (2011, May). The Overpressured Student. Educational Leadership, Vol. 68, No. 8, 23-27. Kadison, R. & DiGeronimo, T.F. (2004). College of the Overwhelmed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. American Psychological Association (APA) (2012, March 12). Reducing academic pressure may help children succeed. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120312101439.htm

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Universal Microcontroller (Mcu) Trainer

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND ITS BACKGROUND This section begins with a discussion of the role and importance of Microcontroller in everyday life. As we all know, Microcontrollers are considered as a major discovery in terms of science and technology. Just like the other major advances, it can control system and devices which can make people’s lives better and easier. Based on â€Å"The Microcontroller Idea Book† by Jan Axelson, Microcontroller is a computer-on-a-chip, or a single chip computer.It is said to be a single-chip computer because it contains memory and Input or Output interfaces in addition to the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Micro, as its name implies, advised that the device is small and Controller, however, tells that the device might be used to control objects as well as processes. Moreover, MCU has been described as an embedded controller, because the Microcontroller and its support circuits are often built into, or embedded in, the devices that they con trol.Basically, any product that interacts with its user has a microcontroller inside. The field of Microcontroller (MCU) beginning is due to the development of integrated circuits. It enabled the storing of hundreds of thousands of transistors into one chip which was later used in the manufacturing of Microcontrollers. Nowadays, we can find Microcontrollers in almost all kinds of things. Most of those things and devices are well-known to utilize for measuring, storing, calculating, controlling, and displaying of information.One of the largest applications of Microcontroller is in automobiles as it includes at least one MCU for engine control. In test equipment, microcontrollers make it easy to add features such as the ability to store measurements, to create and store user routines, and to display messages. In a desktop computer, MCU is founded inside keyboards, modems, printers, and other peripherals. Furthermore, products that we are fond of using like cameras, video recorders, c ompact-disk players, and ovens also use Microcontrollers. Background of the StudyMicrocontrollers have only been with us for a few decades but its impact on our lives is intense. Most of the microcontroller parts can be found in all electronic devices; it can be found on products which we use in our home like microwave ovens, alarm clock, washing machines, toys, and stereo equipment. Other common devices such as cash register, weighing scales, typewriters, photocopiers, elevators, industrial automation device, safety system, cars and traffic signals are some examples of microcontroller application.Numerous types of microcontrollers were designed and they quickly became man's invisible companion. It is also regarded as a powerful tool that allows a designer in creating his own design. Some of the crucial influence in the microcontroller development and success are powerful and carefully chosen electronics such as switches, push buttons, sensors, LCD displays, and relays, cheap automa tic devices and its power was widely spread prior to the knowledge in programming.With the necessity of making our MCU experience learning more enjoyable and helping us to do our jobs easier and safer, e- Gizmo decided to develop and launched the first Universal MCU Trainer. Unlike some of those mainstream MCU training kits, the e- Gizmo Training Kit is not attached to any particular type of microcontroller. It is known to be compatible with current MCU boards that include gizDuino, Zilog Encore, AVR ATMEGA8L, and Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC).In this project, the researchers should have the knowledge in programming, training experiments, as well as they should have the manipulation for the kits’ on board peripherals such as Relay and Motor Expander, Analog Voltage Sources, LM34 Temperature Sensor, 3 adjustable Voltage Sources, Digital to Analog DAC circuit, Switch Devices, Rotary Encoder Switch, 2 push button switches, 4 x 3 Keypad Matrix, Input and Output Expander, LED monitor, 2 Digit 7 segment LED display, Buzzer Circuit, Real Time Clock RTC, Alphanumeric LCD Display Unit, RS232 Interface Circuit, Power Supply Entry, Microcontroller Board Docking Port, and Breadboard.Project Objectives The main objective of this e- Gizmo Universal MCU kit is to test and learn the different kinds of application and peripherals on board. Moreover, the development of this microcontroller kit requires attaining the following: 1. ) To learn the programming languages use in microcontroller 2. ) To learn how to use the software through PC to the microcontroller 3. ) To learn the basic connection of the microcontroller to the MCU kit. 4. ) To study and familiarize the functions of the specific application use in the microcontroller 5. To learn how to connect or to know the relationship between the Input- Output or the application through the microcontroller Conceptual Framework The interrelation among the components of the microcontroller kit was shown as illustrate d in Figure 1. It represents the process on how the application and peripherals used in the trainer board works. In this kit, the researchers have used a microcontroller in gathering input from various applications, processing the input into a set of actions, and using the output mechanisms on the microcontroller to do something useful.The concept of the microcontroller kit was based on the need of creating convenient hardware designed for having knowledge and critical thinking for microcontroller widen. The diagram started with the input, followed by the process and the output. OUTPUT INPUT PROCESS RS 232 C INTERFACE 2 x 16 LCD DISPLAY BUZZER LED DRIVER OUTPUT EXPANDER RELAY STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER MICROCONTROLLER GIZDUINO AND PINGUINO 2 x 16 LCD DISPLAY REAL TIME CLOCK (RTC) INPUT EXPANDER 4 x 3 SWITCH EXPANDER PUSH BUTTON SWITCH ANALOG VOLTAGE OUTPUT TEMPERATURE SENSOR PROCESS GIZDUINO (USB CABLE) PINGUINO (UART MODE/USB CABLE)PERSONAL COMPUTER Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of e- G izmo Universal MCU Trainer The INPUT is comprises of 2 x 16 LCD Display, Real Time Clock (RTC), Input Expander, 4 x 3 Switch Matrix, Push Button Switch, Analog Voltage Output, and Temperature Sensor. LCD Display Module is tremendously popular low cost display device that can show user generated message in 2 lines x 16 alphanumeric format. Aside from 2 lines by 16 characters format, LCD modules are also available in 4 lines by 20 characters. A Real Time Clock (RTC) circuit serves as an electronic subsystem that keeps an accurate time and calendar.In addition, the next input is the Input Expander which has data out, since the host controller will be reading from U3 input port JP22. Furthermore, 4 x 3 Keypad matrix is also recognized as one of the input. The keypad used in this trainer consists of 12 push switches. The keypad switches are wired in 4 rows x 3 column arrangement. The Push Button Switches in the kit, which are S1 and S2, are held to logic 1 state by R2 and R3 when not pre ssed. There is also a well known device which is LM34 Temperature sensor U5 which gives an ambient temperature reading in analog Fahrenheit scale.After the Input, the figure shows the PROCESS which is comprises of Microcontroller Gizduino and Pinguino. Gizduino is ideal for beginner programmers and hobbyists because of its simplicity compared to other platforms. It is a multiplatform environment; it can run on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. However, Pinguino is an Arduino for PIC user. Pinguino is also an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which enables anyone to easily make an application on learning the program. Additionally, the program for both Gizduino and Pinguino is loaded to the Personal Computer which is also a major part of the process.Gizduino is programmable via USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable which makes it more accessible and allows communication to the computer. Pinguino, however uses UART mode through serial communication to PC. In addition, the OUTPUT include s RS 232 C Interface, 2 x 16 LCD Display, Buzzer, LED Driver, Output Expander, Relay, and Stepper Motor Driver. The RS 232 Interface allows the MCU UART to interface with RS 232 enabled devices. The function of the 2 x 16 LCD Display here in the output is the same as the input. For the 3rd output, the buzzer is used to indicate a warning or an alarm, a key closure or a machine function.The buzzer used in this trainer is essentially a small loudspeaker. With regards to the Output Expander, this trainer can have 8 outputs more using 5 or 6 MCU I/O. The Stepper Motor Drive subsection in the trainer can also be used to study and control stepper motor operations via user code. Significance of the Study The e- Gizmo Universal Microcontroller (MCU) Trainer was designed specifically for the benefits of the following: Electronic Designers. This trainer is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in prototyping and programming a microcontroller.The Students. This kit aspires for the students to acquire basic knowledge on how microcontroller works and also aims for students to be familiar with prototyping platform based on easy to use hardware and software. The Academe. Professors on higher education can use this trainer to introduce the college students on how to program and manage microcontroller the fast and easy way. The Researchers. With the help of this MCU kit, the researchers were able to have background about the major component details of both Gizduino and Pinguino platform, its features, and manual application.They were able to manipulate peripherals on board through programming familiarity. Future Researchers. This can serve as a guide to those who wants to delve into microcontroller relevance, and those who wanted to have comparisons among the MCU trainers that has been developed. The study also provides the data and guiding material about the universal trainer function. Scope and Limitation Scope The e- Gizmo Universal MCU trainer r equires an external well regulated +5V to power the whole trainer board. Unlike any other microcontroller trainers, this is unique since it does not assign to any single microcontroller.With this trainer, we can use available boards such as gizDuino itself (atmega 168 or atmega 328 versions), AVR atmega8L experimenter board, Zilog z8F042A MCU board, PIC18F2550, and STM32F100C8 ARM Cortex M3 MCU board. The gizDuino’s platform kit that has been executed in this trainer is a single board AVR microcontroller platform based on highly popular Arduino design. It is a multiplatform environment as it can run on Macintosh, Linux and Windows. It is also programmable via USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable as mentioned earlier.Gizduino’s User Interface is USB Port, DC Jack, Reset Button, ICSP Port, and Shield Connection Port. The external Power Input ranges from 8V- 12 V while it needed 5 V for USB. The DC Power Output is at 3. 3 V with a frequency of 16 MHz and 12 MHz. It is being p rogrammed using Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Additionally, PIC18F2550 platform which has also been programmed has an Arduino compatible layout. It works on Arduino like software development platform based on open source Pinguino project. The e- Gizmo’s Pinguino is also compatible with gizDuino line of shields and has an external power supply of 8V- 12V.Its communication medium is UART mode, serial communication to PC. Different applications are also placed on this trainer such as Relay and Motor Expander, Analog Voltage Sources, LM34 Temperature Sensor, 3 adjustable Voltage Sources, Digital to Analog DAC circuit, Switch Devices, Rotary Encoder Switch, 2 push button switches, 4 x 3 Keypad Matrix, Input and Output Expander, LED monitor, 2 Digit 7 segment LED display, Buzzer Circuit, Real Time Clock RTC, Alphanumeric LCD Display Unit, RS232 Interface Circuit, Power Supply Entry, Microcontroller Board Docking Port, s well as Breadboard. Limitation Since +5V is employ ed to power the trainer board, using unqualified +5V power source may cause damage to the trainer. Most components on this kit, especially the microcontrollers are known to be sensitive to Electrostatic discharge (ESD). With this, ESD may damage the trainer if not handled properly. As discussed, Microcontroller Board Docking is where the MCU board is installed. This accepts gizDuino style MCU board. However, since Arduino boards do not have extended connectors, it disallows any shields from being installed on it.Herewith, a suitable adapter is required for us to be able to use the Arduino with the Universal MCU Trainer. It should also be noted that each microcontroller family has its own software development kit (SDK) and some may require a separate programming cable. Definition of Terms Microcontroller (MCU). It is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Gizduino. It is an open source computing platform based on a simple input/output (I/O) board and use of standard programming language and is a tool for implementing specific design.Pinguino. It is also an Arduino compatible platform which works on Arduino like software development platform. Arduino. A popular open-source single-board microcontroller, descendant of the open-source wiring platform, designed to make the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. AtMega 328. This is the microcontroller that powers the gizDuino. Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. Zilog Encore.This system-on-a-chip includes an integrated memory controller, interfaces such as Universal Serial Bus (USB), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). RS232 Interface. It’s a RS232C Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) level converter. LCD Display Module. A tremendous ly popular low cost display device that can show user generated messages in 2 lines x 16 alphanumeric characters format. Breadboard. It is used to easily build small circuits to work on in addition to the trainer module. Real Time Clock (RTC). Is an electronic subsystem that keeps an accurate time and calendar.Buzzer. It is an annunciator which provides cost effective audible feedback between the machine and the user. Light Emitting Diode (LED). Is a semiconductor diode that emits light when conducting current and is used in electrical equipment. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). It is a flat panel display, electronic visual display or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Multiplexing. A method used to rapidly switch two or more digits in synchronization with their corresponding segment drives (a-b-c-d-e-f-g). Input/Output Expander.This is used to serve 8 inputs and 8 outputs more using 5 or 6 microcontroller I/O. 4 x 3 Keypad Matrix. It is a small group of keys used to manually enter a data or a command while the microcontroller is running. Encoder Switch. Also known as rotary quadrature encoder switch, is a pure digital device that has the feel of an analog potentiometer. Push Button. An electrical switch operated by pressing a button, which closes or opens a circuit. Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). It is an interface device that will allow outputting an analog voltage based on a digital value.Analog Voltage Source. It provides both simulated and real analog voltage source which is used in Digital to Analog Converter. Stepper Motor Drive. This section in the trainer is used to control stepper motor operations via user code. Relay. Is an electrically operated switch, use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically and they are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low power signal. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART). It is the microchip with programming that controls a com puter's interface to its attached serial devices.

Preventive Care

Running head: FUNDING PREVENTIVE CARE IN AMERICA Funding Preventive Care in America Webster University December 7, 2011 Funding Preventive Care in America Preventive care is an element that is becoming important to not only those in the healthcare field but America as a whole. Preventive care helps to not only prevent but in some cases stop from increasing illness such as obesity, hypertension, and heart disease. Many healthcare officials feel that preventative care is important to the health care field while the government does not share their sentiments and thus funds are not distributed equally to areas which assist with preventative care. Many critics feel that if the government would work with funding preventive care programs, the cost of health insurance would decrease and many Americans would be more apt to take a healthier approach to living. Preventive health care is measures taken by an individual to prevent illness or diseases that may or may not arise in the future. The American government does not equally fund preventive health care measures as it does the war. With this being said, many health care officials believe that it is important for individuals to receive preventive care. The whole idea would be to help keep costs down yet there has not been sufficient enough studies that shows that preventive care actually keeps rising health care costs down. Preventive health care measures include services such as screening (ie cancer, cholesterol), vaccines, and other wellness benefits. Currently the government is making adjustments in order to allocate more money into the preventive health care sector and this is partially due to the Health Care Reform Act created by President Obama. However, as good as this sound, this act has been met with much criticism. The government is still quite hesitant to allocate funds for several reasons: the estimated costs of spending is different based upon the type of preventive care that is provided, lack of evidence to show the effects of a decrease in rising health care costs due to preventive measures, and the evidence shows that the actual cost to implement preventive measures is more costly. For example, a simple medical test such as one that is given for cholesterol can detect if a person has cholesterol. The idea behind early detection would be to provide patient education in hopes that the patient would not have to get on medication and this condition could be able to control this by eating healthy and exercising. With early detection, the physician is able to assist the patient in monitoring their behavior. This action is presented two-fold: the patient is empowered to take charge of his health and the cost that was involved in the test is minimal thus keeping costs down by ensuring the patient is monitored and does not have to get on medication. One of the downfalls with funding preventive care is that neither the government or the physician knows if the illness(es) that is being prevented will be costly or not. It has been noted that prevented care is beneficial when a certain group of people suffer from a particular problem, yet it is difficult to target such a group because medical care cannot be predicted and often times many of the patients are asymptomatic. Preventive health care measures can be costly especially when physicians tend to test for everything and this added cost exceeds the savings which is what they are trying to do. Therefore, this is a catch 22 situation. Preventive care is meant to save money while the government does not see it in that way. Therefore, they restrict the amount of money that is allocated for preventive care. Interestingly enough, the idea that preventive care is beneficial; however, when you look at costs in the long run, preventive care may not be that beneficial. An interesting point to notate is that regardless of how the government is not allocating funds equally into the preventive health sector, many physicians have implemented preventive care services and started educating their patients. Most of this is done through a regular office visit; therefore, it does not look like the patient is coming in for preventive measures. Wellness Services Physicians are not the only one that is not relying on government funds to help with preventive measures. Large corporations are equally involved in wellness (Aldana, 2005). Many corporations are offering incentives to their employees. For example, Blue Cross Blue Shield offers wellness benefits to their employees that maintain a healthy lifestyle to include not smoking, weight management, hypertension and high cholesterol management. This company has even gone as far as to offer financial incentives offset the costs for health insurance. The employees have access to a gym that resembles at a rate of approximately $10 per month. The employees have access to a personal trainer to help them with their weight management. BCBS have a health care team which visits the site and gives blood tests to determine their cholesterol level, hypertension, and smoking. This incentive allows employees to be seen for free and receive the proper treatment for free. To add more to this plan, the company gives the employee that meet the requirements for â€Å"a healthy lifestyle†, the gives the employee money titled â€Å"Wellness† each pay period. This is incentive enough to some people to continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Government interaction Great Britain’s Health Committee believes that the government should fund preventive care yet incorporate clear guidelines. The group feels as though the government should fund those with fluctuating needs. This seems to be an answer to those that are uninsured or underinsured. This committee; however, does agree with the US government that prevention even though is better than treating the symptoms is quite expensive (Great Britain, 2009). According to Masters 2005, even though prevention is costly, it is recommended because the government is wasting money on illness that could have been prevented through the use of prevention and these illnesses can result in lifestyle and environmental risk factor changes. It is believed that high quality can cost the government more money it is the level of quality care that is provided to the patient that prevents future costs and this is the whole intent of preventive care (Masters, 2005). Currently the government is offering incentives for health care physicians that use electronic health records. The first incentive was for $144,000; however, the government fails to incorporate some form of incentive for healthy living. It is unlike that many physicians will take the government up on the incentives before it is mandated in 2013 for all physicians to use some form of electronic health record. Many critics of this feel that incentives such as this should be going to help fund some form of preventive services. In an effort to answer the need for preventive measures in America’s health care system, the department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is investing $750 million into prevention and public health (hhs. gov). The funds are distributed into tobacco use, obesity, heart disease, stroke, cancer, immunizations, and patient education. The idea is to be able to target individuals that are faced with these conditions and educate them so that history will not repeat itself. In order to assure that the funds are allocated correctly, DHHS has decided to disburse accordingly: †¢ 298 million for community prevention †¢ 198 million for clinical prevention †¢ 137 million for public health (health departments) †¢ 133 million for research and tracking (quality assurance). The general idea is to work as a unit to ensure that once the funds are allocated to the stated department that the organizations are able to utilize the funds accordingly. Apart from the government not allocating enough funds to go into the preventive care sector, the individual is responsible for their appropriate level of care. Conclusion Regardless if the government is willing to pay for war or for health; it is up to the individual to make sure that they are living in a healthy manner. Many people feel that to live a healthy lifestyle is costly, this may be true; however, by taking small measures, they are able to prevent many of the diseases and illnesses that occur. For example, if obesity is a problem and this is a medical burden which accounts for over 10% of medial spending (Finkelstein, E. A. et al, 2009). People that have this condition are able to eat smaller amounts, start to exercise, and monitor the intake of junk foods. By making these small adjustments, the individual is able to help combat obesity and not rely on the government to fund preventive health measures. The same thing that a physician would say to someone that is obese is the same thing that the individual can find online. References Aldana, S. G. â€Å"Financial Impact of a Comprehensive Multisite Workplace Health Promotion Program,† Preventive Medicine, vol. 40 (2005), pp. 31–137. Finkelstein, E. A. et al (2009). â€Å"Annual Medical Spending Attributable to Obesity: Payer- and Service-Specific Estimates,† Health Affairs, Web Exclusive (2009), pp. w822–w831. Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Health Committee. (2009). Social Care. United Kingdom: The Stationary Office HHS Press office. (2011, February 9). Retrieved from http://www. hhs. gov/news/press/2011pres/02/20110209b. html Masters, K. (2005). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington: MA, Jones Bartlett Learning.